Model United Nations Society

SAU Chapter

Consistent with the United Nations' goal to make the world a better place, the SAU chapter of Model UN is committed to providing St. Ambrose University students, faculty, professional support staff, and administrators a unique opportunity to address global challenges and to change the world in which we now live.

Model United Nations (MUN) is an annual conference at which various United Nations simulate key activities. Representing a variety of countries, students - called "delegates" - sit in on General Assembly committees, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Press Delegation, and the International Court of Justice.

By attending these key activities, students have the opportunity to explore a wide range of current global issues, such as those concerning international conflicts, terrorism, nuclear weapons, HIV/AIDS, human rights, the population, poverty, trade, energy, globalization, and the environment.

Each year we attend two conferences, one in Chicago and the other in St. Louis. At these conferences, we represent a nation state and debate world topics with other nation states to develop resolutions. We join more than 2,000 other college students at these conferences. In February 2019, during the 59th Annual Model United Nations Conference in St. Louis, two of our students were recognized with an Honorable Delegate Award: Ana Sperling and Rachel Wiedman.

We also host a high school Model United Nations camp in the summer and are very active on campus. Our members participate in BEE the Difference the Day, Community Day, and Destination Leadership to name a few. Usually twice a year we deliver food to help raise money for a cause. For example, we delivered mac and cheese around campus to help raise money for refugees. Lastly, we have practices once a week to prepare for conferences. These are just a few of the many things SAU MUN does!

Want to learn more? Contact Professor Duk Kim, PhD

Model UN

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